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Magic Cleaner

>> 7.28.2010

I'm really into making my own cleaning products.  I found this recipe for a "Magic Cleaner" somewhere, either on the internet or in my Green Clean book.  Anyway, I thought I would share it with you guys and it's also a way for me to stop having to find the sliver of paper I wrote the recipe on every time I need it!

Magic Cleaner

2 tablespoons vinegar
1 teaspoon borax

mix above with very hot water to dissolve borax

then add 1/4 cup castile soap (like Dr. Bronner's)

then I usually add a few drops of essential oils like tea tree & orange (about 5 drops of each give or take)

It truly is a great cleaner!  I mix it up in an old spray bottle.  If you try it let me know how you like it!  Happy cleaning!

I've got to get back to it!  I'm running out of time for cleaning & packing because very soon I'll have to get back in my classroom and get it ready for the year...


Grass is greener

Hello, all!  Recently back from Memphis.  My brother is headed to Chicago next weekend for a couple of years.  It was also his birthday!  So we went and celebrated with them.  Great fun!

Got to spend some time with my mom, too.  She gave me another little box of buttons and spools of thread that she found that were my grandmother's.

Trying another outfit post today.  This was just a casual Monday.  However, I realize how bad I need a haircut!

Maybe I'll get one Friday or next week after we get back from Chicago!  Yeah, we get to go help my brother move!  So much fun!

Thanks for all the sweet comments lately!  I feel like I'm getting braver with the outfit posts.  Yeah, I know this is only the second one, but still!

Dress: Scarlett Begonia (a little boutique in Nashville)
Belt: Urban Outfitters
Sunshades: Smith Optics
Necklace: Urban Outfitters
Flips: Chacos


I'll give it a whirl

>> 7.23.2010

Alright!  Drumroll, please!  I'm going to attempt an outfit post today...Bear in mind, I took these pictures myself with a timer.  It was uber challenging.  And I started to get too hot and impatient outside, so I didn't get exactly what I wanted, but I think it will suffice.

The sad part is that I don't think I got a full outfit shot.  Oops.

This is pretty much me in the summer.  Shirt, shorts, flip flops.  I tried to wear my hair down today.  Too sweaty.

Do I look angry?  Confused?  I think it was more, did the timer go off yet?

I don't love this picture, but you can see more of my outfit in it I guess...

So there we go!

Sun shades: Smith Optics
Shirt: Patagonia
Shorts: Gap
Flips: Chaco
Necklace: Etsy
Ring: Handmade by me


Lucky Day

Hi, guys!  So I've redesigned the blog a little bit.  What do you think?!  I'm really liking it.  It's more of what I envisioned when i started it, but I just didn't really know how to do it.  So, I figured it out!  I'm still working on the layout a little bit and the heading picture needs to be resized.  I'll figure it out though.

This is the picture I want to use.  Maybe I'll get to.

Also, I add a mix pod.  It's got a few of the songs/videos I really like.  I might add more to it.  Be honest though, is that annoying?  Should a blog have music like that?  I just really like the idea of having background noise while your reading and looking at pictures.  If it sucks, I'll get rid of it.

One last thing.  When I was making the mix pod, I remembered this video.  It's such a fun video!  It's by the Yard Dogs Road Show which is one of the coolest shows/concerts I have ever been to.  If you ever get a chance to see them you totally should!  The video is so 70s!  It's rad! Wait, that's the 80s... It's GROOVY!!  :o)

Enjoy your day!


Take Two!

>> 7.21.2010

My sister invited us to dinner last night.  So while I was at home killing some time I decided that I really wanted to make another skirt.  I went to Goodwill a few days ago and bought another shirt to try to make the dress shirt skirt again.  So I was ready!

I did the same things I did last time, but this time I cut from armpit to armpit.  I didn't worry about the pocket.  And here it is in the mirror...

So cute!!!!!!!  I was so excited!  I ended up having to sew one of the extra buttons on the bottom to keep it classy.  This made me a little late, but I didn't care!  I put it on and it fit! I knew right away to add this cute belt I got from Urban Outfitters on sale and a yellow tanktop I got from Arden B.  Love it!

I guess this could be an outfit post.  It's a start...I'll eventually get some courage and someone to take pictures for me...However, hubby did take that picture for me.  Maybe I'll rope him in... :o)


Fathoms Below

>> 7.19.2010

I was in Virginia Beach this weekend.  Super great time!  We went deep see fishing...something I have been really been wanting to do for a long time.  Well about two hours after we got on the boat, I took a nap.  When I woke up, I got sea sick.  All that keep going through my mind the whole time I was getting sick and trying to keep my eyes closed like the Mate said was this scene from the Little Mermaid...

I was definitely Grimsby in that scene!  If you've ever been sea sick, you know how I felt.  If you haven't, trust me it is a feeling you NEVER want to have.

Well anyway.  I survived and I'm back this week.  In between packing and cleaning I definitely plan to work on some more projects.  I'm actually about to go start one now!  Hope everyone had a great weekend and is having a great Monday!


Pretty in Plaid

>> 7.12.2010

So I finally did it!  I finished my skirt project.  It didn't take nearly as long as I thought.  And it was super easy!

I started with an old shirt of my husband...

My idea was to follow the instructions I found in Megan's blog.  She is so cute and so talented!  Well because my shirt had pockets, I couldn't cut from arm pit to arm pit.  So I had to cut a little higher and then sew the sleeve a little.  Then I sewed the top over about 1 1/2 inch because I only had 1/2 inch elastic.  Then I slipped the elastic in, sew the ends together, and then sewed the hole.  Viola!

A skirt!

Cute, right!?

That's the details, sort of.

Well, too bad.  It doesn't fit.  :o(

Oh well.  Guess I'll try again with a different shirt.


Hold My Spot

>> 7.08.2010

So tonight I was hanging out watching a little hulu and decided to use the time to create.  What I was watching was not important, but it was a brainless show.  Also, most of the time I don't really enjoy actually "watching" tv.  I more like to listen to it.  So anyway, I wanted to make something, but I didn't want to start my big skirt project yet.  So I decided to add some details to my bookmark I've been using lately.  It was just a piece of corduroy, but I made it personal.


It's a sweater!

So I have this red sweater from Forever21 that I have had for a while.  Red is not my color really.  Well, I guess it's okay, but I don't really like red that much.  I mostly have this sweater to wear with a pair of black pinstripe pants occasionally.  (Wow, I'm really boring and predictable...)

And I also have some really sweet vintage buttons that match from my Nanny's box-o-buttons.

They are amazing ship buttons!  There are 4 navy and 3 whites ones.  So I've been toying with the idea to do something with these things lately.  I really want to cut the sweater and make it a cardigan, but that seems really scary because if it doesn't work instead of having a boring red sweater, I will have nothing.  Also, what if it doesn't fit after I cut it and make a cozy spot for the buttons.  Then I also have to line up the buttons and the holes just perfect...ehh, just too much.

So here's another idea I've been thought of.  What if I just sew the buttons on as decoration?

That could work, right?  I don't know...what do you think?


Whoa, that's a biggie!

>> 7.07.2010

Well, hello!  Sorry I've been away again.  I've got to get better about posting!  I've got a big project in the works.  I went to Michael's today and got some elastic, so hopefully we'll be in business soon!  I'm not sure if the elastic is wide enough, but it's all they had.  So I'll give it a whirl...

Meanwhile...I made another ring today!

It looks a little brown, but it's actually a navy button on the bottom, with a sort of brown-yellow button on top.  Maybe I should take some better pictures showing colors.  I'm learning how to use my camera on my phone.  It's got better megapixels than my actual camera plus it has a super cool app that does this...

Trippy, huh?  Well here's some more normal - not - showing - the - actual - color shots...

Yeah, so more stuff to come!  And I started working on my Etsy account today!!  I just need to see how much to charge for shipping.


Couture at the Frist

>> 7.01.2010

So today I went with my housemate to the Frist Center for the Visual Arts to see the "Golden Age of Couture" exhibit.  It was quite fascinating to me.  I'm sure some would say it was a weak exhibit because a lot of the time the Frist does have a weak exhibit, but I really enjoyed it!

Well, I totally discovered this photograph by Irving Penn who was a photographer for Vogue in the 50s. And let me just say that I am in love! (I got the image from here)

The expression on her face, the way she is has the pearls in her mouth, that hat, ugh!  I just love it!

The whole exhibit was really fashion inspiring.  I just love the 50s and 60s anyway, so this just fed my need for more vintage pieces!


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