>> 2.13.2011
Hi, guys! Just a little outfit from a few weeks ago. I thought with the pink skirt it was mostly Valentine's day appropriate.
sweater: f21, shirt: pacsun, skirt & necklace: uo, leggings & ring: gift from mom, socks: target, boots: frye
We've had some more snow days this week. Crazy for sure! But today it's in the 50s! Ahh, the joys of the weather in the south...But at least we got some days off out of it and the weekends have been nice enough to enjoy some outside time!
Got any cool Valentine's day plans? We don't usual do the whole celebrating thing. We just usually have a normal chill weekend like we always do. And I really like that! Too bad my sweetheart has been working all weekend. But it's okay. I've been enjoying some movie & tv time. And I did get to make him a special breakfast this morning before he left. So hopefully he enjoyed that! :o)
Hope you guys are enjoying your weekend! "Owl" love you! Ha!