All better!
>> 6.23.2010
I think I finally realized why I was procrastinating so much with my projects this year. I think I needed a clean space to really focus on creating. So this afternoon I cleaned! I actually even rearranged the room! Anyone who knows me knows that I am not the tidiest person (just ask my sister, my husband, my housemates, anyone at work who sees my desk...). So I had to reorganize and clean. That took about 2 hours, but this is the end result!
All better! Now I have a spot for my sewing machine and the box under the clock is filled with my button stuff! So clean! However, I must admit, after cleaning I sat down to work on some buttons and now there are buttons everywhere! But I did fix my favorite ring! I bought it at a festival in Memphis I guess two years ago. It's sort of what inspired me to start my rings. I really wish I could remember the name of the girl who made it because she has an Etsy shop. It would be cool to show her some love right now. Oh's the awesome ring!

So now that I'm organized expect some serious projects coming up!
Can't wait to see your upcoming projects! Congrats on getting your space organized, that's always the hardest part.
this is SOOO cute!!
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